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How to Make Your Videos Appear On Youtube Search

How to Make Your Videos Appear On Youtube Search

How to Make Your Videos Appear On Youtube Search - How to Make Our Videos Appear on Youtube Search, who doesn't want their videos to appear on youtube searches, all youtubers definitely want it but how do we get our videos to appear in youtube searches. Before we discuss further how to get videos to appear on the homepage, and can be found in search.

There are several factors that determine so that your video gets ranked in youtube searches.

The key to youtube video recommendations to get a lot of viewers is to apply seo and optimize videos so that your videos can reach more viewers. In addition, videos with metadata optimization have a greater chance of getting views. Seeing how important metadata optimization and video seo are, you must know what the basics of youtube seo are, as well as optimization steps.

You must feel hopeless because the video you made with difficulty but never gets viewers. What's wrong with your video, try applying YouTube seo and optimizing your video metadata, so what is YouTube SEO and how to optimize it.

How to make your video appear first on Youtube search

There are three things that cause your video to appear first on Youtube search 

1. CTR

CTR or click through rate has an important role in determining whether your video can get youtube recommendations. The higher the click-through rate, the better, with a high CTR, your video will be recommended by YouTube, so it can reach more viewers.

Then the question is how to get a high click through rate, you have to pay attention to the following things. 

First, the thumbnail must be able to attract attention, make a thumbnail that is able to convey the content of the video, and can invite curiosity so that the audience will click on your video. Second, create an attractive title that makes people want to click on your video, but you also have to remember that video titles can't be arbitrary either. A good title is a video title that contains keywords, so in addition to attracting the title, it is also a determinant so that your video can be found in searches.

2. Audience retention

In addition to high CTR, good audience retention is also a determining factor, so that videos get recommendations and rank in search. The average good audience retention is stable above 50 percent, the higher the audience retention, the better. The way to make your video retention good is to make your videos not long-winded so that they become monotonous.

To understand how the pattern of video viewers is, you can look at the statistics section and pay attention to the movement of the audience graph. Pay attention to which parts the audience likes and which parts do not like, that way you can improve your next video based on analytical data.

3. Session time

Session time or viewer behavior is very decisive so that YouTube videos have many viewers. Session time is the viewer's behavior towards your video either before or after your video plays.

4. Keywords

It's not impossible if your video doesn't use keywords in the title, description, and tags it will be very difficult to get viewers. Your video will appear in search results when using keywords, for how to do keyword research, you can read how to do keyword research with tubebuddy.

Youtube video optimization

After understanding the basics of youtube seo, then the next step is optimization of youtube videos, what to do.

Video optimization before shooting

Optimizing videos before shooting is a good step, but it's not uncommon for youtube videos to be optimized after shooting. What should you do before shooting, first determine what topic to make, second think about the beginning of the video and the end of the video.

Tips for the beginning of the video and the end of the video

1. Tell the video what promises

The beginning of the video must match the title and also the thumbnail.

2. Tell the benefits of the video to be watched.

3. At the end of the video you can promote your other videos to the audience, either through cards, end screens or by speaking directly.

So that's how to make our videos appear in search, homepage and get recommendations from youtube. Hopefully this article can help you in understanding the algorithm for youtube recommendations in 2021, hopefully your channel can grow quickly and meet the monetization requirements.

Read more: Youtube short video can increase subscriber and viewers

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